Gods, Goddesses and Myths at LABEShops
A Witch's World of Magick
Alchemy of the Soul
Arthurian Magic
Awakening Osiris
Crossroads of Conjure
Crystal Goddesses 888
Dark Goddess Craft
Embodying Osiris
Encyclopedia of Earth Myths
Goddess Bless!
Goddess of the North
Gods and Goddesses
In Praise of the Goddess
Invoke the Goddess
Invoking the Egyptian Gods
Kuan Yin DVD
Magical Folkhealing
Maiden, Mother, Crone
Mythology for a Magical Life
Norse Magic
Northern Magic
Priestess of The Morrigan
Rituals of Celebration
Sacred Paths for Modern Men
Santa Muerte
St. Mary Magdalene
Tending Brigid's Flame
The Anunnaki Connection
The Arthurian Tradition
The Book of Celtic Magic
The Book of Lilith
The Goddess Path
The Morrigan
The Mythic Moons of Avalon
True Magick

Books about Gods, Goddesses and Mythology from Around the World. Explore the Gods and Myths of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece, Native America and more in these reference guides, many with rituals, meditations and spells to develop a deeper connection to your chosen patheon for Wicca, Pagan or other Rites.